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1Z0-819 Java SE 11 Developer (OCP) | CyberVista Practice Test
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Candidates for the Oracle Java SE 11 Developer certification exam are experienced Java developers who would like to earn the Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer certification. This exam replaces 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816, which are being retired by Oracle.
Practice Exam Package
This exam measures the following skills*:
*These exam objectives can change at any time.
Practice Exam Package
- 180-day access period
- Multiple unique sets of exam-like questions for additional exam experiences
- Custom quiz settings to drill down into specific topics
- Detailed explanations and references
- Grade as you go or simulate the exam experience
- Performance Tracker to see how your performance stacks up to others
- Full set of key concepts flashcards to memorize critical information
- Online access and downloadable and printable quizzes for offline study
- Study Calendar to optimize your exam study time
- InstructorLink to contact our IT experts
This exam measures the following skills*:
- Working with Java data types
- Java Object-Oriented Approach
- Working with Arrays and Collections
- Java Platform Module System
- Java I/O API
- Database Applications with JDBC
- Annotations
- Controlling Program Flow
- Exception Handling
- Working with Streams and Lambda expressions
- Concurrency
- Secure Coding in Java SE Application
- Localization
*These exam objectives can change at any time.
Candidates for the Oracle Java SE 11 Developer certification exam are experienced Java developers who would like to earn the Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer certification. This exam replaces 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816, which are being retired by Oracle.
Practice Exam Package
This exam measures the following skills*:
*These exam objectives can change at any time.
Practice Exam Package
- 180-day access period
- Multiple unique sets of exam-like questions for additional exam experiences
- Custom quiz settings to drill down into specific topics
- Detailed explanations and references
- Grade as you go or simulate the exam experience
- Performance Tracker to see how your performance stacks up to others
- Full set of key concepts flashcards to memorize critical information
- Online access and downloadable and printable quizzes for offline study
- Study Calendar to optimize your exam study time
- InstructorLink to contact our IT experts
This exam measures the following skills*:
- Working with Java data types
- Java Object-Oriented Approach
- Working with Arrays and Collections
- Java Platform Module System
- Java I/O API
- Database Applications with JDBC
- Annotations
- Controlling Program Flow
- Exception Handling
- Working with Streams and Lambda expressions
- Concurrency
- Secure Coding in Java SE Application
- Localization
*These exam objectives can change at any time.